Scholarship Application PERSON APPLYING Your Name * The person filling out the application First Name Last Name Your Email * Your Phone * (###) ### #### Best way to reach you if we have questions * Text Phone call Email Relationship to Athlete * How did you hear about us? * Parent/Guardian If the same as above, please skip. First Name Last Name Parent/Guardian Email Parent's cell phone number * ATHLETE'S INFORMATION Athlete's Name * First Name Last Name School Athlete Attends * Gender * Male Female Other Prefer not to say SPORTS INFORMATION Sport or activity scholarship will be used for * Sport season start date * MM DD YYYY Sport season end date * MM DD YYYY What sports organization is hosting your sport? Organization hosting the sport address * Address, City, State, Zip Contact to Organization * First Name Last Name Contact's Email Contact's Phone * (###) ### #### Full cost of program * Scholarship amount requested * ** MUST Email Qualification Verification to TEAM@WEPLAYFOUNDATION.ORG ** Please provide the letter verifying that your child has qualified for Free/Reduced Lunch, WIC, or SNAP, or submit the child's Foster Care Letter. Supported file formats are gif, jpg, png, pdf, heif and jpeg. Thank you!